ROK ZA PRIJAVO: odvisen od tematskega področja
RAZPISNIK: Evropska Komisija
PROGRAM: Obzorje 2020
KRATEK OPIS: Razpis je namenjen prijavi raziskovalno-inovacijskih projektov na naslednjih tematskih področjih:
- BB-01-2016:Sustainability schemes for the bio-based economy
- BB-02-2017:Towards a method for the collection of statistical data on bio-based industries and bio-based products
- BB-03-2017:Adaptive tree breeding strategies and tools for forest production systems resilient to climate change and natural disturbances
- BB-04-2016:Intelligent solutions and tools in forest production systems, fostering a sustainable supply of quality wood for the growing bioeconomy
- BB-05-2017:Bio-based products: Mobilisation and mutual learning action plan
- BB-06-2016:The regional dimension of bio-based industries