The Slovene Enterprise Europe Network consortium

Our consultants know the local business environment and can help you find partners for the production, distribution and co-development of your products and services, free of charge.

We help entrepreneurs, research institutes, universities, technology centres and business development and innovation institutions to make the most of (business) opportunities in the EU and in Slovenia, free of charge, by providing expertise and access to a rich matchmaking database that connects Slovenian companies with the right international partners. This is how we turn innovative ideas into a global success. With 600 centres in more than 60 European countries and around 4,000 experienced professionals networked, Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is the largest business support network in the European Union.

Enterprise Europe Network Slovenia offers:

• Information and practical advice on market opportunities in Slovenia, Slovenian legislation and relevant policies;
• a Business and Technology Exchange, which provides a basis for finding suitable business partners through the publication of business offers and enquiries, and for networking with partners from all over Europe;
• information on calls for tenders and international networking

Enterprise Europe Network:

• develops the research and innovation capacities of companies by creating synergies between knowledge providers and businesses, promotes technological cooperation and organises cooperation meetings where researchers and entrepreneurs can get in direct contact with potential partners;
• assist companies in accessing research results, joining research programmes and in applying for calls for proposals;
• involve companies and other organisations in policy-making by feeding back their reactions to European Commission representatives and assessing the implementation of EU policies on competitiveness and innovation.

The network's advisers can assess which services are most appropriate for your company's particular stage of development. You can submit your enquiry via the CONTACT FORM or by contacting one of the contact points:

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Slovenia (CCIS) is a non-profit, non-governmental, independent business organisation representing the interest of its members. With more than 170 years of tradition, it is Slovenia's most influential business organisation. More than 5000 member companies of CCIS come from all sectors and regions in Slovenia; 95% of their members are SMEs. CCIS is a member of numerous government bodies, boards, and committees, supporting them with know-how and expertise. As the leading partner, CCIS coordinates the course of the project, both substantively and financially. CCIS supervise the implementation of individual work packages and support project partners in managing their activities. CCIS's main activities represent the business community's interest at home and abroad.

Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia is an umbrella organisation comprising the craft and small business chamber system with 62 regional chambers of craft and small business all over the country. It has more than 20,000 members of micro and small companies, composed of 30 professional associations and it is well known as an essential stakeholder within the national eco support system. Since its establishment, the Chamber has played an active role as an intermediary between the Slovene enterprise community and the policy-making arena. It is also well connected to the business community on the EU level. They are experts in their respective fields (internationalisation, B2B, access to finance, cross border business services, posting workers, promotion, EU programmes and EU funding and management).

JSI has been the leading research organisation in Slovenia since its establishment in 1949. Besides research and technology excellence, technology transfer and links with the business sphere have been part of its core business and strategy. The Institute devotes a considerable effort to transferring its research and knowledge to produce applications and the market. The Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT) is the implementing unit of JSI for EEN activities, running several projects that support SMEs in becoming better integrated into the European market and EU programmes and becoming beneficial partners in technology transfer.

The SPIRIT Slovenia public agency strives to become an institution that – in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and other stakeholders – offers Slovenian companies effective and comprehensive support for development and promotion in the global competitive market. The agency also operates as a single point of contact for potential investors and international companies looking for new business opportunities.

Univerza na Primorskem (UP), Slovenia's third-largest public university, was established in 2003 as a centre of knowledge implementing European educational strategies. The main objective of this vibrant university is to carry out high-quality study and research programmes, implementing and integrating them with the academic, intellectual and research potential following EU strategies. It also aims to produce a beneficial co-existence and close collaboration with the industry. UP primary role is to co-lead the Technology transfer with JSI. The Center for Knowledge Development and Transfer is an organisational unit of the University of Primorska (UP CDKT) in the role of the Technology Transfer Office.

The University of Maribor is a regional developer, and aims to promote partnerships with businesses, governmental and non-governmental organisations and other institutions to enrich university teaching, research and creative activity; educate and engage citizens; strengthen democratic and ethical values and civic responsibility; address vital societal issues; tackle ecological and environmental issues; promote sustainable development and contribute to the public good. UM has a strong university - enterprises collaboration and diversified entrepreneurial student activities; a very active university incubator, and study contents instigating entrepreneurship.

The RRA Podravje-Maribor is one of 12 Slovenian regional development agencies (RDAs) and is providing the communication flow of EEN services to RDAs. It also has excellent links to local municipalities and regional SME supporting institutions. The agency offers the know-how in developing sites and premisses and providing the entrepreneurship infrastructure locally, including support to future entrepreneurs and start-ups.

An overview of all Enterprise Europe Network contact points worldwide can be found here 
